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#TakeHeart 2023



"Though we become brittle, we are not all broken"
(Sarah Blondin)



What does “sad” look like? What does mental illness look like from the outside? How does depression manifest itself in the body? Is it visible on the face if someone is bipolar or has ADHD? Do I see it in their bodylanguage when someone is autistic? How can I give artistic expression to various personality disorders? How do I dance sadness? How much of my own sadness do I want to share with the world? Do I even want to talk in public about my mental health issues? Aren't we all a little crazy, depressed or just think differently?

When is someone declared crazy? Where is the limit? Who decides what society's norm should look like?

What is neurodiversity and can I explain it? Do I even want to explain anything?

Why is burnout not recognized as an illness?

And what does all this have to do with art? Are we artists more affected than other professional groups?


I dealt with these and other questions during my research. And I tried to find different artistic forms for it. It was clear to me from the start that I didn't want to turn my research into a public performance anywhere “on sight”. I wanted an “online presence” - here on my website.


Here I present excerpts from what I did during my research between November 2022 and May 2023.


 You can read about my project here:


drug addict or sad girl
a filtered woman

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen

sad girls and dancing mania collagejpg
sad girls and dancing mania collage


(Click on the video in the bottom right corner,
then you will also hear the music.)

"It’s not because I’m oversensitive. It’s not because I take it to heart. It’s not because I’m overdramatic. It’s because I have a mental illness."


"Depression doesn't take away your talents — it just makes them harder to find. But I always find it.

I learned that my sadness never destroyed what was great about me.

You just have to go back to that greatness, find that one little light that's left."

Lady Gaga


 I would be very happy if you would like to give me feedback. I am not so interested in whether you think what you see is good or bad.

If you like, you are welcome to answer the following questions:

What impressions do you get when looking at the videos and photos as well as

reading the texts?

What do they trigger in you?

What thoughts come to mind?


Thank you for your time and for reading and watching so far.



September 2023 

#TakeHeartResidenz 2023

My research project is funded by the Performing Arts Fund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR

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Vielen Dank für das Abonnement!

© 2024 Ylva Jangsell (freie Schauspielerin)

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